I have no advanced degree in morals or ethics. Nor do I hold myself to be the epitome of ethics or morals. If you find me shopping at Walmart or occasionally forgetting to put aluminum cans in the recycle bin, I’m not going to cringe because you found out I’m not perfect. We fail forward. Our task is to learn from those failures.

This blog brings to light things that need to be examined. Some may seem insignificant, even petty considerations. Others will be immense concepts about the future that usually only come to light in retrospect. In their time, they seem just part of the landscape — like trees or shrubbery in the background. Upon closer inspection, these concepts are like Smeagol finding the One Ring. They are precious to me… And yet, I’m willing to share them before they destroy us all.

I hope you will join me on this voyage.

Post Script: You’re going to find ads on this site. Ads help me carry on. If you can find it in your heart to keep ad blockers at bay at least on this site, I will be grateful. If you find any ads that are at odds with the things I say here, especially in context with any specific post, please take a picture of it and tweet me about it. I’m curious how funny or impertinent this world can be and look forward to your help.